Cashier's Office

The Cashier's Office at Hocking College

The Cashier's Office takes care of any services or transactions pertaining to money, like tuition, meal plan, and residence hall payments, and more!

Don't know who you should talk to about paying tuition, getting on a housing repayment plan, or paying for your meal plan? 

For anything involving financial transactions, but specifically the following three items, talk to the Cashier's Office!

Tuition Payment

At Hocking College we understand the financial investment you are making in your education and our goal is to assist you in identifying the best financial package to cover your educational expenses.

The financial package may include financial aid, student self-pay, or a combination of the two. Please explore the options below to determine which best fits your needs. An experienced Financial Aid Representative is available to assist you through this process.

Review Tuition & Fees

Meal Plan Payment

Student meal plans are loaded on the Hocking College IDs (Hawkcard). The Hawkcard can be swiped just like a debit card at the Hawk's Nest Dining Hall located on the second floor of John Light Hall.

Residential students are required to purchase a meal plan per semester. Each meal plan offers two spending options.

Review Meal Plans

Residence Hall Payment

As the only two-year college in Ohio to offer college-owned residence halls, Hocking College is excited to offer you a unique experience.

Although living on campus is not required, many students take advantage of this educational and fun opportunity.

By becoming part of our living learning communities, your academic experience will be enhanced by the support services available and the convenience of being on campus to take advantage of the multitude of resources available.

Review On Campus Housing

Student Parking Permit

Student permits are $106 all year, meaning it is for the summer, autumn, and spring semesters for that academic year. These student permits are also required at the Summit and Sycamore apartment locations.

Reserved parking permits are $150 for all year. All students who are wanting to park up by the Hocking Heights, Downhour, and North Hall dorms will need to purchase a reserved parking pass. The reserved parking passes are on a first come, first serve basis.

All parking passes will start being sold in the summer semester. These parking permits are non-refundable.

Permits can be obtained in the Cashier's Office.

Students are required to complete a Vehicle Information Form when they purchase their first parking tag or change vehicles.

Student permits are identified by term through a sticker attached and clearly displayed on the inside lower left-hand corner of the front windshield (driver's side).

Students are permitted to park in designated student parking areas. See the Hocking College Campus Parking Brochure for exact locations.


1098T Forms

Your 1098T form will be available either electronically or in a printed copy mailed to your address in the system. 1098T forms will be available for viewing and mailing starting January 31. Please follow the instructions below:

For electronic access:

To give your consent to view your 1098T electronically:
  1. Login to Self-Service (with your User ID and Password). If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "Students" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. You will be taken to the Tax Information page in Colleague Self-Service.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Click on the Change Preferences button.
  5. Click the radio button above the choice that you want to make
  6. Click the Save button
To view 1098T form:
  1. Login to Self-Service (with your User ID and Password); If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "Students" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. You will be taken to the Tax Information page in Colleague Self-Service.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Select the 1098T Statement you wish to access
  5. You can then print the form.
For printed 1098T form to be mailed to your address:
  1. Login to Self-Service (with your User ID and Password). If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "Students" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. You will be taken to the Tax Information page in Colleague Self-Service.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Click on the Change Preferences button.
  5. Click the radio button above the choice that you want to make
  6. Click the Save button

If there is no electronic consent on file, a printed form will be mailed to your home address on file. You have the ability to change your choice at any time.

1098T FAQs

What is the 1098T Form?

A document issued by the institution to all students registered for classes during the tax year.

Do I need this form to file my tax return?

You need to check with the person who will prepare your tax return whether you need this form or not.

Why is my payment not showing in this statement?

Institutions may report either payments received during the calendar year in box 1 or amounts billed during the calendar year in box 2. Hocking College reports the amounts billed during the calendar year, showing in Box 2, not the amount you paid.

Why are my charges for the spring semester not included in Box 2?

If you registered for the spring semester before December 31 of the previous year, the amount was included on your previous year's 1098T.

I did not receive my 1098T form, how can I get one?

You can login to Self-Service using your username and password. Your 1098T can be found in the Financial Information section. If you don't have your username and password, please call the Help Desk at 740.753.6113 and they will be happy to assist you. Because of FERPA regulations, this information will only be provided to the student.


Other Cashier's Services

To avoid delay in processing your requests, please contact the telephone number listed directly. Leave your name, telephone number and a brief message, if necessary. Please allow 24 hours for a return call.

Current Semester Payment Plan 740.753.7029
Make a payment/account Inquiry 740.753.7029
Past-due accounts 740.753.7029
Third-party sponsors 740.753.6561

You can also call the main Cashier's Office 740.753.7029 with questions about:

  • Student Accounts
  • Petty Cash
  • On Campus Housing Deposit
  • Adding Money to a Meal Plan
  • Semester Payment Plan
  • Direct Deposit Information

Registration Payment

  • Full payment upon registration
  • Full Financial Aid
  • Full Third Party
  • Enroll in Hocking College Semester Payment Plan ($30 non-refundable enrollment fee)
  • Combination of the above

Review Pay For College for directions on making payment to the college.

Late Fees

A late fee of $100 will be assessed if the balance is not paid in full at the end of the term.

Withdraw Information

The financial obligation for registration will be canceled only if the student officially follows the withdrawal process before the start of the term:

Complete a withdrawal form, available at the Registrar's Office, located on the Student Services Concourse, first floor of Light Hall, Room 253.

Mail the completed form to:

Registrar's Office
John Light Hall 184
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville, OH 45764


Email: from the student's Hocking College email.

Include in the body of the email:

  1. First & Last Name
  2. Student ID Number or Last 4 Digits of the Social Security Number
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Current Mailing Address
  5. The Term From Which They Are Withdrawing

Withdrawal will be official the date the email or withdrawal form is received at the Registrar's Office or from the Student Academic Coordinator of the department.

This date is also used to determine any adjustments for residence hall charges (if applicable). For questions, call 740.753.7007. Student is responsible for any charges on the account if he/she did not follow the withdrawal process.

Room Charges (If withdrawing from college):

Before Start term (or Smart Start): 100 percent adjustment except deposit
First day of term up to the 15th calendar day of the term: 85 percent adjustment except deposit
After the 15th calendar day of the term:

Full charge

Refund Information

Refund Checks

Hocking College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: 

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.


Refund Policy

  • Refunds are processed at 100% up through the first meeting date of the course. After the first meeting date of the course, no refunds will be given.
  • Changes to a schedule may result in additional fees or a credit to a student’s account

Contact the Cashier's Office

Concourse, John Light Hall
Hocking College
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville OH 45764

Fax: 740.753.7028

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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